File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
apps/dgv/dgv.cpp [code]This file encompasses the DGV application
apps/pnm2vti/pnm2vti.cpp [code]This file encompasses the PNM to VTI file format application
include/DGImage.hpp [code]This file defines the class for reading and writing of PNM ASCII images
include/DGVAliases.h [code]This file defines all the aliases and frequently used functions and variables
include/DGVAnimatedScan.h [code]This file defines the class for doing animated 1D plots using only Qt and QWT
include/DGVBlitzArrayCaster.h [code]This file defines the class for casting Blitz++ arrays to and from Qt Images (QImage)
include/DGVBlitzArrayCasterVTK.h [code]This file defines the class for casting VTK objects to and from Blitz++ Arrays
include/DGVConsole.h [code]This file defines the class for displaying messages in a DGVMain or DGVMainVTK classes as a docked widget using only Qt
include/DGVDiophantineVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for drawing lines on lattices
include/DGVFile.h [code]This file defines the class for reading and writing data as text files with or without comments using only Qt
include/DGVFourierTransform.h [code]This file defines the class for FFTs using only the FFTW library
include/DGVGlobal.h [code]This file defines all the global macros used in the library, especially for DLLs
include/DGVImage.h [code]This file defines the class for displaying images using only Qt
include/DGVImageVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for displaying Images using VTK Image Viewer2
include/DGVLatticeVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for displaying lattices using VTK
include/DGVMain.h [code]This file defines the class for the Main Window using only Qt
include/DGVMainVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for the Main Window in DGV applications
include/DGVNoise.h [code]This file defines the class for noise
include/DGVPlot.h [code]This file defines the class for doing 1D plots using only Qt and QWT
include/DGVPlotVTK.h [code]This file defines the class for X-Y Plots using VTK from Blitz++ Arrays
include/DGVRadonTransform.h [code]This file defines the class for DRTs
include/DGVSurfacePlotVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for display Surface Plots using VTK
include/DGVTable.h [code]This file defines the class for display data using tables using only Qt
include/DGVTableVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for display data in table form using Qt
include/DGVTransform.h [code]This file defines the class that wraps all the transforms using threads
include/DGVVolumePlotVTK.h [code]This file defines a class for display Volume Plots using VTK
include/contrib/libtarga.h [code]
moc/moc_DGVAnimatedScan.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVConsole.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVImage.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVImageVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVLatticeVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVMain.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVMainVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVPlot.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVPlotVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVSurfacePlotVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVTable.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVTableVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVTransform.cpp [code]
moc/moc_DGVVolumePlotVTK.cpp [code]
moc/moc_OperateForm.cpp [code]
moc/moc_ThresholdForm.cpp [code]
release/qrc_dgv.cpp [code]
src/DGVAnimatedScan.cpp [code]This file defines the class for doing animated 1D plots using only Qt and QWT
src/DGVConsole.cpp [code]This file defines the class for displaying messages in a DGVMain or DGVMainVTK classes as a docked widget using only Qt
src/DGVDiophantineVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for drawing lines on lattices
src/DGVFile.cpp [code]This file defines the class for reading and writing data as text files with or without comments using only Qt
src/DGVImage.cpp [code]This file defines the class for displaying images using only Qt
src/DGVImageVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for displaying Images using VTK Image Viewer2
src/DGVLatticeVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for displaying lattices using VTK
src/DGVMain.cpp [code]This file defines the class for the Main Window using only Qt
src/DGVMainVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for the Main Window in DGV applications
src/DGVPlot.cpp [code]This file defines the class for doing 1D plots using only Qt and QWT
src/DGVPlotVTK.cpp [code]
src/DGVSurfacePlotVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for display Surface Plots using VTK
src/DGVTable.cpp [code]This file defines the class for display data using tables using only Qt
src/DGVTableVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for display data in table form using Qt
src/DGVTransform.cpp [code]This file defines the class that wraps all the transforms using threads
src/DGVVolumePlotVTK.cpp [code]This file defines a class for display Volume Plots using VTK
src/contrib/libtarga.c [code]
tests/ani_surface/ani_surface.cpp [code]
tests/file/file.cpp [code]
tests/image/image.cpp [code]
tests/imagevtk/imagevtk.cpp [code]
tests/itkreader/itkImageToVTKImageFilter.cxx [code]
tests/itkreader/itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h [code]
tests/itkreader/itkreader.cpp [code]
tests/itkreader/itkVTKImageToImageFilter.cxx [code]
tests/itkreader/itkVTKImageToImageFilter.h [code]
tests/latticevtk/latticevtk.cpp [code]
tests/libtga_test/libtga_test.c [code]
tests/linevtk/linevtk.cpp [code]
tests/mainvtk/mainvtk.cpp [code]
tests/plot/plot.cpp [code]
tests/surfacevtk/surfacevtk.cpp [code]
tests/table/table.cpp [code]
tests/tablevtk/tablevtk.cpp [code]
tests/transform/transform.cpp [code]
tests/volumevtk/volumevtk.cpp [code]
ui/AboutForm.cpp [code]
ui/AboutForm.h [code]
ui/OperateForm.cpp [code]
ui/OperateForm.h [code]
ui/ThresholdForm.cpp [code]
ui/ThresholdForm.h [code]
ui/ui_about.h [code]
ui/ui_operate.h [code]
ui/ui_threshold.h [code]